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Which Toothbrush Is Best for My Child?

Your child will begin brushing their teeth as soon as their first tooth bursts through their gums. Both baby teeth and permanent adult teeth will need thorough cleaning with good oral hygiene. So it is important to introduce healthy habits to your child as soon as possible. This will include using proper tools when it comes to oral hygiene, including floss, toothpaste, and a toothbrush.

A good toothbrush can ensure your child maximizes oral cleanliness and therefore preventive dental care. Read on to find advice that can help you select the best toothbrush for your child’s dental needs.

Which Toothbrush Is Best for My Child

Choose a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

The quality of the bristles at the end of the toothbrush can make or break the scrubbing ability of the oral hygiene tool. You might assume that firmer and harder bristles can make the toothbrush better able to remove harmful residues from your child’s teeth. But this is not true.

When it comes to choosing a toothbrush, look for soft bristles for both pediatric and adult dental patients. Softer toothbrushes can clean just as well as those with hard bristles. And they do not pose a threat to the teeth or gums.

Harsh bristles can irritate the gums and damage tooth enamel. This can increase the risk of gum disease, cavities, and other oral health concerns.

Plus, if hard toothbrush bristles hurt the child’s smile, they may develop an aversion to their oral hygiene regimen and might want to avoid brushing their teeth in the future. Encourage gentle movements when your child brushes their teeth, and keep their smiles safe with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Consider Your Child’s Preferences

It may be a good idea to include your child in the decision process of which toothbrush to purchase for them. They can choose a color they enjoy or a brush that features a beloved cartoon character. Then they can look forward to using their toothbrush both in the morning and at night.

Both a traditional manual toothbrush and an electric toothbrush prove effective when it comes to cleaning your smile. An electric toothbrush can be beneficial for kids who struggle with the act of brushing their teeth. This device will move the brush in gentle circles for the child, and many of these brushes also include a timer so that the child can know when to finish their routine.

But some kids might feel intimidated by the buzzing sound of the motor of an electric toothbrush. In this case, they may prefer a manual toothbrush. Pay attention to your child’s comfort level when it comes to oral hygiene so that you can find the right tools for them.

Toothbrushes can come with other features that might help your child with their oral hygiene regimen. You can look for toothbrushes with slim handles or grippers that can prevent dropping the brush during their routine, for instance. Learn more by giving your child’s dentist a call today.