Dental Implants Cedar Park, TX

Missing teeth can significantly impact a patient’s life. Not only do they lead to bone loss and other dental issues, but they can also make everyday activities like eating and speaking far more complex than they need to be. So, if you are tired of your missing teeth getting in the way of talking, laughing, and smiling confidently, ask us about treatment with dental implants in our Cedar Park, TX, dental office.

We’re here to help you restore your smile. Dental implants are one of the most effective restorative dentistry treatments that can replace missing or damaged teeth.

Dental Implants in Cedar Park, Texas

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants have various benefits you can’t get with any other tooth replacement solution. Our Cedar Park dentist office recommends dental implants over removable options for their strength and natural appearance. Dental implants are often considered the gold standard of tooth replacement because of these benefits:

Provide Bite Strength

Unlike other options, the dental implant replaces the tooth root and the crown. Implants are more stable and long-lasting than other solutions. They integrate with your jawbone, giving you almost 100% of your bite function. You don’t have to eliminate any foods from your diet because you can process all of them.

Slipping dentures are also a common problem when eating. With implants, you don’t have to worry about your teeth falling out when eating.

Prevent Bone Loss

Dental implants support the jawbone beneath the gums, stopping it from deteriorating further. Jawbone loss starts the moment you lose your tooth root. Implants can even help spur jawbone regeneration, keeping you from the sagging face that comes with missing teeth.

Easy Care

The only maintenance implants require are brushing and flossing like normal. Things like dentures need messy adhesive to stay in the mouth, and you must take special care to clean that off every night. Dentures also need special soaks to stay hydrated and not get brittle. You don’t have to take your restoration in and out, either. Implants stay in your mouth at all times.

Natural Look

Implants look and feel like natural teeth in your mouth. We top an implant with a custom dental crown made to match the size, shape, and shade of the rest of your smile. Since the crown replaces the tooth root, it feels the most natural.

Improved Speaking 

Like other restorations, adjusting to your new implant restoration will take time. However, adjusting to implants is simple because they feel like natural teeth.

Once you’re used to your implants, you can feel confident again when speaking and chewing in public. Implants help you pronounce “ch” and “th” sounds so others can better understand you. You can’t speak as clearly with removable restorations like dentures because they can impede tongue movement. 

Who is Eligible for Tooth Implants?

Patients should generally have good overall health and a healthy jawbone and gums to support an implant. If your jawbone density needs to be repaired, we recommend performing a bone graft or sinus lift surgery, which will lengthen the overall process.

In addition, patients who smoke regularly or have autoimmune disorders will often need to have their unique situation assessed by our team. These factors can slow down the implant healing process. We will review your medical conditions and medications before treatment. Many patients with medical conditions complete successful implant treatment.  

If you have gum disease, we will recommend deep cleanings to keep your symptoms in check. We may recommend a root canal, filling, or tooth removal to treat tooth decay. Once you are healthy and have enough bone to support your implants, we can schedule treatment. 

Dental Implants in Cedar Park, TX: About the Process

Placing one or more tooth implants can take several weeks or months, depending on your oral health condition, treatment needs, and cosmetic goals. We will discuss what to expect from your treatment during your initial consultation. The dental implant process begins with a small incision in the gums. Then, we make a hole in the jaw bone and place the implant.

Once the gums start to heal, the implant will begin to fuse with the jawbone in osseointegration. This fusion is what makes implants so stable, like natural teeth.

After several weeks of healing, we attach a natural-looking restoration to the top of the implant. This bridge, denture, or crown is designed to blend in seamlessly with the rest of your smile, providing normal function and aesthetics.

Implant Surgery Aftercare

After we place your implants in the jawbone, you’ll experience some bleeding, swelling, and soreness for a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers should be all you need to handle the pain.

For swelling, use an icepack on the affected area intermittently. We may prescribe antibiotics for some patients. If we do, ensure you take the entire course as directed. They help prevent dental implant rejection.

Stick to soft foods for 2 to 3 days after the surgery. These include yogurt, applesauce, and smoothies. Avoid hot liquids or spicy foods for this period.

After this, you can reintroduce more solid foods slowly. Once you’re eating solid foods, avoid biting down directly on the implant site. This is one of the biggest ways to cause problems with your healing process.

On the day of your surgery, delicately brush and floss, but don’t rinse. The following day, gently rinse with warm salt water, especially after eating. This will remove food particles and help the healing process.

Rest for a few days after surgery, and don’t do any strenuous activity or exercise. You should also avoid smoking at all for a minimum of two weeks. We will provide you with complete aftercare instructions to ensure the best results. If you have any questions during healing, please contact us.

Restore Missing Teeth: Schedule an Implant Consultation

If you are interested in dental implants and want to see if you would be a good candidate, please call 512-866-9654. You can also schedule an appointment with our team online. Our office serves patients in the Sweet Farms, White Stone, and Creekview communities.